Monday, January 21, 2019

On the Road for Climate Action: Announcing The Sequel!

We have some exciting news! We are going back On the Road for Climate Action! 

Last summer's 11 week tour was just the beginning; we learned a lot of lessons, have done a lot of reflecting, and feel extremely inspired to continue our mission! There is so much work to be done and we are motivated to continue doing what we can to educate and elevate the climate conversation! 

We will be departing on May 1st, and will be visiting the pacific northwest! We will also be crossing the border into Canada and returning back to southern California through the northwest where we will visit some habitats/areas that have been experiencing climate change impacts such as Glacier National Park. We will continue to organize community climate talks, visit universities and schools, talk to farmers, vintners, wildlife preserves, and beyond in order to hear about climate concerns, and raise awareness about climate change and what is happening both globally and locally. It is very exciting, and we are diving right into planning mode for this six week mission. We thank each of you for your support in this large undertaking that this project is. 

If you would like to support or help our next leg of the Road for Climate Action, there are a few things that you can do! 

1. Consider donating to our GoFundMe. No amount is too small!

2. Organize an event in your community.

3. Share our project on social media.

4. Take our online climate survey.

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